Make A Plan
House fires become life-threatening in two minutes and can engulf a residence in as few as five minutes.
That's why it's so important to talk with your family about evacuation routes before a fire ever takes place.
Do your best to keep your evacuation plan simple so everyone can remember important details in the event of an emergency.
Be Sure To
- Review escape routes for each room.
- Try to find two ways out of every room.
- Make sure windows aren't nailed or painted shut.
- Make sure doors and windows aren't blocked.
- Check that security gratings on windows have fire-safety openings.
- Learn how to turn off your water, gas, and electricity at the main switches.
- Gas service turned off? Call your gas company to restore service. Never attempt to restore service yourself.
- More than one level to your home? Consider getting escape ladders.
- Teach family members to stay low to the floor when escaping fire.
More Fire Safety from Ready PA